Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Spreading God's Word everywhere possible in an effort to reach the lost is what the church is called to do. It's important here in the Leland Area but it is also important all over the world. Although we are involved and support missionaries in many areas of the world through our conference (PFWB Dunn, NC), we have found a special connection with Pastors Benjamin and Christine Nakuku in Kenya, Africa.
Follow the links below to see the work being done through you at Bridge of Life. We cannot express how much we are thankful for all the generosity that each of you have shown in your giving to what God is doing in missions at Bridge of Life.
Follow the links below to see the work being done through you at Bridge of Life. We cannot express how much we are thankful for all the generosity that each of you have shown in your giving to what God is doing in missions at Bridge of Life.
Active Missionaries
Pastors Benjamin & Christine Nakuku
Kenya, Africa