Service Projects
Each year we partner with Crusader Youth Camp (Denominational Camp for Students) to service and completely maintenance around the camp grounds. Our Rewired Student Ministry will take a team of students to complete whatever needs to be done to before that season of camp.

Our Passion Behind The Mission of CYC Support
Our pastors believe strongly in the ministry of Crusader Youth Camp and the anointing that is over the camp site. We believe so strongly in this, that we sponsor every student that wants to go to summer camp each year. This is a place where they will grow in there relationship with the Lord and build bonds with students, counselors, and staff from all over North Carolina and surrounding states. Our pastor, Jerome Bullard, was called into the ministry through an experience at CYC many years ago. Pastors Wesley and Jonathan, as well as many others within our student and kids ministry have experienced God's presence and power as well. We believe this is a mission that will shape the future of our church as well as many other churches and communities for years to come!